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Live Gadhpur Dham Gadhada Gujarat Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Gadhada (Devnagari: श्री स्वामिनारायण मन्दिर, गढडा) also known as shri Gopinathji Dev mandir is a Hindu temple in Gadhada. This temple was built by Swaminarayan himself Religion Affiliation - Hinduism Deity - Gopinathji Maharaj, HariKrishna Maharaj Location - Gadhada Gujarat India Creator - Lord Swaminarayan Completed - 9 October 1828 This temple is one of six temples which was made under the supervision of Swaminarayan. The land for constructing this temple in Gadhada, was donated by the court of Dada Khachar in Gadhada. Dada Khachar and his family were devotees of Swaminarayan. The temple was made in the courtyard of his own residence.The temple work was planned and executed directly under the consultation and guidance of Swaminarayan. Swaminarayan supervised the construction and also helped with the manual service in the construction of the temple, by lifting stones and mortar. This shrine has two stories and three domes. It is adorned with carvings. The temple is placed on a high plinth is a spacious square and has an assembly hall with large dharamshalas and kitchens for ascetics and pilgrims. Swaminarayan had installed the idols in this temple on 9 October 1828. Gopinath and Harikrishna in the middle shrine, Dharma and Bhakti and Vasudeva on the western shrine and Revti-Baldevji, Krishna and Suryanarayan in the eastern shrine. The idol of harikrushna has physique as same as Swaminarayan

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